






(1) 氣相層析質譜儀 (GC mass spectrometry,GC/MS)
(2) 串聯式液相層析質譜儀 (liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry,LC/MS/MS)
(3) 氣相層析儀 (gas chromatography,GC)
氣相層析儀接有兩種不同的偵測器,分別為電子捕捉式偵測器(electron capture detector,ECD)及火燄離子式偵測器(flame ionization detector,FID)。電子捕捉式偵測器對含有鹵族元素之有機物較為敏感,本實驗室目前主要分析之有機物為多氯聯苯(polychlorinated biphenyl)及有機物以多環芳香烴(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAH)為主。
(4) 離子層析儀 (ion chromatography,IC)


期刊論文發表 (Total=78):
IF: Impact Factor; Ranking: journal ranking in that field. (*: corresponding author) 

  1. Yan, J.; Lai, C.H.; Lung, S.C.C.; Wang, W.C.; Huang, C.C.; Chen, G.W.; … & Lin, C.H. (2017). Carbon black aggregates cause endothelial dysfunction by activating ROCK. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 338, 66-75. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.05.025 
  2. Tung, J.C.; Huang, W.C.; Yang, J.C.; Chen, G.Y.; Fan, C.C.; Chien, Y.C.; Lin, P.S.; Lung, S.C.C. & Chang, W.C. (2017). Auramine O, an incense smoke ingredient, promotes lung cancer malignancy. Environmental Toxicology, n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1002/tox.22451 IF: 2.738 and ranking 71/229=31% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES) 
  3. Chen, L. J.; Ho, Y. H.; Lee, H. C.; Wu, H. C.; Liu, H. M.; Hsieh, H. H.; … & Lung, S. C. C. (2017). An Open Framework for Participatory PM2.5 Monitoring in Smart Cities. IEEE Access, PP(99), 1-1. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2723919 IF: 3.870 and ranking 27/146=18.5% (COMPUTER SCIENCE) 
  4. Yan, J.; Chen, L.; Huang, C.C.; Lung, S.C. C.; Yang, L.; Wang, W.C.; … & Lin, C.H. (2017). Consecutive evaluation of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nanoplatelets immunotoxicity on monocytes. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 153, 300-309. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.02.036 IF: 4.269 and ranking 39/144=27.1% (CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL) 
  5. Shen, Y.S. and Lung, S.C.C. (2017). Mediation pathways and effects of green structures on respiratory mortality via reducing air pollution. Scientific Reports, 7, 42854. doi: 10.1038/srep42854 IF: 5.525 and ranking 7/63=11.1% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES) 
  6. Wu, C.D.; Chen, Y.C.; Pan, W.C.; Zeng, Y.T.; Chen, M.J.; Guo, Y.L. & Lung, S.C.C. (2017). Land-use regression with long-term satellite-based greenness index and culture-specific sources to model PM2.5 spatial-temporal variability. Environmental Pollution. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2017.01.074 IF: 5.008 and ranking 17/225=7.6% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  7. Shen, Y.S. and Lung, S.C.C.* (2016). Can green structure reduce the mortality of cardiovascular diseases? Science of The Total Environment, 566–567, 1159-1167. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.159 IF: 4.317 and ranking 32/225=14.2% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  8. Yang, L.; Wang, W.C.; Lung, S.C.C.; Sun, Z.; Chen, C.; Chen, J.K.; … & Lin, C.H. (2016). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are associated with increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during haze events in China. Science of The Total Environment. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.211 IF: 4.317 and ranking 32/225=14.2% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  9. Chern, Y.R.;Wu, C.D.; Pan, W.C.; Chen, M.J.; Lung, S.C.C.; Su, H.J. & Chang, K.C. (2016). Spatial correlation analysis of elderly suicides and Urban Heat Island Effects: an ecological study in Taipei, 2000-2008 (老年人口自殺與熱島效應之空間關聯分析:以2000年至2008年台北都會區生態調查研究為例). Taiwan J Public Health, 35(4), 406-417. doi: 10.6288/TJPH201635104089
  10. Wu, C.D. and Lung, S.C.C.* (2016). Application of 3-D Urbanization Index to Assess Impact of Urbanization on Air Temperature. Scientific Reports, 6:24351. doi: 10.1038/srep24351 IF: 5.525 and ranking 7/63=11.1% (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  11. Kallawicha, K.; Chuang, Y.C.; Lung, S.C.C.; Han, B.C.; Ting, Y.F. & Chao, H.J. (2016). Exposure to ambient bioaerosols is associated with allergic skin diseases in Greater Taipei residents. Environmental Pollution. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2016.06.057 IF: 5.008 and ranking 17/225=7.6% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  12. West, J.; Cohen, A.; Dentener, F.; Brunekreef, B.; Zhu, T.; Armstrong, B.; … Lung, S.C.; … & Wiedinmyer, C. (2016). What we breathe impacts our health: improving understanding of the link between air pollution and health. Environmental Science & Technology. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03827 IF: 6.396 and ranking 14/225=6.2% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  13. Tsai, I. C.; Chen, J.P.; Lung, C.S.C.; Li, N.; Chen, W.N.; Fu, T.M.; Chang, C.C. & Hwang, G.D. (2015). Sources and formation pathways of organic aerosol in a subtropical metropolis during summer. Atmospheric Environment, 117, 51-60. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.07.005 IF: 3.841 and ranking 42/225=18.7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  14. Yu, K.P.; Yang, K.R.; Chen, Y.C.; Gong, J.Y.; Chen, Y.P.; Shih, H.C., & Lung, C.S.C. (2015). Indoor air pollution from gas cooking in five Taiwanese families. Building and Environment, 93, 258-266. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.06.024 IF: 3.804 and ranking 4/126=3.2% (ENGINEERING, CIVIL)
  15. Lung, S.C.C.* and Liu, C.H. (2015). Fast analysis of 29 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitro-PAHs with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure photoionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Scientific Reports,5:12992. doi: 10.1038/srep12992 IF: 5.525 and ranking 7/63=11.1%. (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  16. Kallawicha, K.; Tsai, Y.J.; Chuang, Y.C.; Lung, S.C.C.; Wu, C.D.; Chen, T.H.; … & Chao, H.J. (2015). The spatiotemporal distributions and determinants of ambient fungal spores in the Greater Taipei area. Environmental Pollution, 204:173-180, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.04.020 IF: 5.008 and ranking 17/225=7.6% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  17. Kallawicha, K.; Lung, S.C.C.; Chuang, Y.C.; Wu, C.D.; Chen, T.H.; Tsai, Y.J. & Chao, H.J. (2015). Spatiotemporal Distributions and Land-Use Regression Models of Ambient Bacteria and Endotoxins in the Greater Taipei Area. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15(4):1-12. doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.01.0036 IF: 2.518 and ranking 78/225=34.7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  18. Chang, C.C.; Wang, J.L.; Lung, S.C.C.; Chang, C.Y.; Lee, P.J.; Chew, C.; Liao, W.C.; Chen, W.N. & Ou-Yang, C.F. (2014). Seasonal characteristics of biogenic and anthropogenic isoprene in tropical-subtropical urban environments. Atmospheric Environment. 99, 298-308, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv. IF: 3.841 and ranking 42/225=18.7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  19. Lung, S.C.C.*; Lee, C.R. & Hu, S.C. (2014). Inequality of Asian-type Neighborhood Environmental Quality in Communities with Different Urbanization Levels. Environmental Science & Policy,38:1-10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2013.10.009. IF: 3.776 and ranking 60/225=26.7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  20. Lung, S.C.C.*; Hsaio, P.K.; Wen, T.Y.; Liu, C.H.; Fu, C.B. & Cheng, Y.T. (2014). Variability of Intra-urban Exposure to Particulate Matter and CO from Asian-type Community Pollution Sources. Atmospheric Environment, 83:6-13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.10.046. IF: 3.841 and ranking 42/225=18.7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  21. Chuang, H.C.; BéruBé, K.; Lung, S.C.; Bai, K.J. & Jones, T. (2013). Investigation into the Oxidative Potential Generated by the Formation of Particulate Matter from Incense Combustion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 244:142-150. IF: 5.641 and ranking2/126=1.6%. (ENGINEERING, CIVIL)
  22. Lai, C.H.; Jaakkola, J.J.; Chuang, C.Y.; Liou, S.H.; Lung, S.C.; Loh, C.H.; Yu, D.S. & Strickland, P.T. (2013). Exposure to Cooking Oil Fumes and Oxidative Damages: A Longitudinal Study in Chinese Military Cooks. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 23(1):94-100, DOI: 10.1038/jes.2012.87. IF: 3.068 and ranking30/173=17.3%. (PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  23. Lee, C.R.; Lung, S.C.C.* & Wu, C.D. (2013). Spatial Distribution and Socio-demographic Characteristics of High Traffic-related Exposure Population in Taipei (乾淨空氣何處尋?空氣汙染暴險之人口及地理不均等分佈). Journal of Population Studies, 47, 1-33. DOI: 10.6191/JPS.2013.47.01. Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI)
  24. Sung, T.I.; Wu, P.C.; Lung, S.C.; Lin, C.Y.; Chen, M.J. & Su, H.J.* (2013). Relationship between Heat Index and Mortality of 6 Major Cities in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 442:275-281. IF: 4.317 and ranking 32/225=14.2% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  25. Wang, J.L.; Chew, C.; Chang, C.Y.; Liao, W.C.; Lung, S.C.C.; Chen, W.N.; Lee, P.J.; Lin, P.H. & Chang, C.C. (2013). Biogenic Isoprene in Subtropical Urban Settings and Implications for Air Quality. Atmospheric Environment, 79:369-379. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.06.055. IF: 3.841 and ranking 42/225=18.7% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  26. Wu, C.D.; Lung, S.C.C.; Chuang, Y.C. & Jan, J.F. (2013). Forest Landscape Change at Shihmen Reservoir Catchment from 2002 to 2007. In Environmental History in East Asia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Liu, T.J., Ed., ISBN-13: 978-0415717700.
  27. Wu, C.D.; Lung, S.C.C.* & Jan, J.F. (2013). Development of a 3-D Urbanization Index using Digital Terrain Models for Surface Urban Heat Island Effects. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 81:1-11. IF: 5.062 and ranking 2/28=7.1% (REMOTE SENSING)
  28. Chen, M.L.; Wang, L.; Chi, Y.K.; Mao, C.C.; Lung, S.C.C. & Mao, I.F.* (2012). PolybrominatedDiphenyl Ethers in Foodstuffs from Taiwan: Level and Human Dietary Exposure Assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 431:183-187, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitoenv.2012.05.046. IF: 4.317 and ranking 32/225=14.2% (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  29. Chen, M.J.; Lin, C.Y.; Wu, Y.T.; Wu, P.C.; Lung, S.C. & Su, H.J.* (2012). Effects of Extreme Precipitation to the Distribution of Infectious Diseases in Taiwan, 1994-2008. Plos One, 7(6);e34651, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034651. IF: 3.535 and ranking11/63=17.5%. (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  30. Lee, M.W.; Chen, M.L.; Lung, S.C.C.; Tsai, C.J.; Lai, C.F.S.; Yang, S.C. & Mao, I.F. (2012). Increase of Urinary Concentrations of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in Diesel Exhaust Emission Inspector Exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 85(3):273-282, DOI: 10.1007/s00420-011-0663-2. IF: 2.137 and ranking64/173=37.0%. (PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  31. Lin, C.Y.; Chou, C.C.; Wang, Z.; Lung, S.C.; Lee, C.T.; Yuan, C.S.; Chen, W.N.; Chang, S.Y.; Hsu, S.C.; Chen, W.C. & Liu, S.C. (2012). Impact of Different Transport Mechanisms of Asian Dust and Anthropogenic Pollutants to Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment, 60:403-418. IF: 3.4841 and ranking 42/225=18.7%( ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  32. Wu, C.D. and Lung, S.C.C.* (2012). Applying GIS and Fine-resolution Digital Terrain Models to Assess Three-dimensional Population Distribution under Traffic Impacts. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 22(2):126-134. IF: 3.068 and ranking30/173=17.3%. (PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  33. Chang, L.T.*; Tang, C.S.; Tu, H.H. & Lung, S.C.C. (2011). Personal Exposures to Particle-bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for the Elderly and Elementary School Children. Epidemiology, 22(1):S198, DOI: 10.1097/01.ede.0000391942.65616.0d. IF: 5.738 and ranking5/158=3.2%.
  34. Chuang, H.C.; Jones, T.P.; Lung, S.C. & BéruBé, K.A.* (2011). Soot-driven Reactive Oxygen Species Formation from Incense Burning. Science of the Total Environment, 409 (22):4781-4787, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.07.041. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  35. Lung, S.C.C.*; Liu, C.H.; Fu, C.B.; Wen, T.Y. & Huang, S.Y. (2011). Exposures and Potential Risks in the Neighborhoods of 5 Different Restaurants Emitting Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Epidemiology, 22(1):S90, DOI: 10.1097/01.ede.0000391942.17221.5f. IF: 5.738 and ranking5/158=3.2%.
  36. Lung, S.C.C.* and Liu, C.H. (2011). High-sensitivity Analysis of 6 Synthetic Musks by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 83(12):4955-4961, DOI: 10.1021/ac2006872. IF: 5.695 and ranking3/75=4.0%.
  37. Sung, T.I.; Chen, M.J.; Lin, C.Y.; Lung, S.C. & Su, H.J.* (2011). Relationship between Mean Daily Ambient Temperature Range and Hospital Admissions for Schizophrenia: Results from a National Cohort of Psychiatric Inpatients. Science of the Total Environment, 410:41-46, DOI: 10.1016/jscitotenv.2011.09.028. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  38. Wu, P.C.; Lin, C.Y.; Lung, S.C.; Guo, H.R.; Chou, C.H. & Su, H.J.* (2011). Cardiovascular Mortality during Heat and Cold Events: Determinants of Regional Vulnerability in Taiwan. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68(7):525-530, DOI: 10.1136/oem.2010.056168. IF: 3.215 and ranking25/158=15.8%.
  39. Chen, S.C.; Tsai, C.J.; Huang, C.Y.; Chen, H.D.; Chen, S.J.; Lin, C.C.; Tsai, J.H.; Chou, C.C.K.; Lung, S.C.C.; Huang, W.R.; Roam, G.D.; Wu, W.Y.; Smolik, J. & Dzumbova, L. (2010). Chemical Mass Closure and Chemical Characteristics of Ambient Ultrafine Particles and Other PM Fractions. Aerosol Science and Technology, 44(9):713-723, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2010.486385. IF: 2.75 and ranking47/209=22.5%.
  40. Chou, C.C-K; Lee, C.T.; Cheng, M.T.; Yuan, C.S.; Chen, S.J.; Wu, Y.L.; Hsu, W.C.; Lung, S.C.C.; Hsu, S.C.; Lin, C.Y. & Liu, S.C. (2010). Seasonal Variation and Spatial Distribution of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Taiwan. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10(19):9563-9578. IF: 5.51 and ranking3/74=4.1%.
  41. Hsu, S.C.; Liu, S.C.; Tsai, F.; Engling, G.; Lin, I.; Chou, C.; Kao, S.; Lung, S.; Chan, C.; Lin, S.; Huang, J.; Chi, K.; Chen, W.; Lin, F.; Huang, C.; Kuo, C.; Wu, T. & Huang, Y. (2010). High Wintertime Particulate Matter Pollution over an Offshore Island (Kinmen) off Southeastern China: An Overview. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 115:D17309, DOI: 10.1029/2006JD013641. IF: 3.174 and ranking23/170=13.5%.
  42. Hsu, S.C.; Liu, S.C.; Arimoto, R.; Shiah, F.K.; Gong, G.C.; Huang, Y.T.; Kao, S.J.; Chen, J.P.; Lin, F.J.; Lin, C.Y.; Huang, J.C.; Tsai, F. & Lung, S.C.C. (2010). Effects of Acidic Processing, Transport History, and Dust and Sea Salt Loadings on the Dissolution of Iron from Asian Dust. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 115:D19313, DOI: 10.1029/2009JD013442. IF: 3.174 and ranking23/170=13.5%.
  43. Hsu, S.C.*; Wong, G.T.; Gong, G.C.; Shiah, F.K.; Huang, Y.T.; Kao, S.J.; Tsai, F.; Lung, S.C.C.; Lin, F.J.; Lin, I.I.; Hung, C.C. & Tseng, C.M. (2010). Sources, Solubility, and Dry Deposition of Aerosol Trace Elements over the East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 120(1-4):116-127, DOI: 10.1016/jmarchem.2008.10.003. IF: 3.00 and ranking7/60=11.7%.
  44. Lee, M.W.; Chen, M.L.; Lung, S.C.C.; Tsai, C.J.; Yin, X.J. & Mao, I.F.* (2010). Exposure Assessment of PM2.5 and Urinary 8-OHdG for Diesel Exhaust Emission Inspector. Science of the Total Environment, 408(3):505-510. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  45. Zhang, Z.; Engling, G.*; Lin, C.Y.; Chou, C.C.; Lung, S.C.; Chang, S.Y.; Fan, S.; Chan, C.Y. & Zhang, Y.H. (2010). Chemical Speciation, Transport and Contribution of Biomass Burning Smoke to Ambient Aerosol in Guangzhou, a Mega City of China. Atmospheric Environment, 44(26):3187-3195. IF: 3.110 and ranking37/209=17.7%.
  46. Chang, C.C.; Wang, J.L.; Lung, S.C.C.; Liu, S.C. & Shiu, C.J. (2009). Source Characterization of Ozone Precursors by Complementary Approaches of Vehicular Indicator and Principal Component Analysis. Atmospheric Environment, 43(10):1771-1778,DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.12.023. IF: 3.110 and ranking37/209=17.7%.
  47. Engling, G.; Lee, J.J.; Tsai, Y.W.; Lung, S.C.C.; Chou, C.C.K. & Chan, C.Y. (2009). Size-resolved Anhydrosugar Composition in Smoke Aerosol from Controlled Field Burning of Rice Straw. Aerosol Science and Technology, 43:662-672, DOI: 10.1080/02786820902825113. IF: 2.78 and ranking47/209=22.5%.
  48. Hsu, S.C.*; Liu, S.C.; Huang, Y.T.; Chou, C.C.; Lung, S.; Liu, T.H.; Tu, J.Y. & Tsai, F. (2009). Long-range Southeastward Transport of Asian Biosmoke Pollution: Signature Detected by Aerosol Potassium in Northern Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114:D14301, DOI: 10.1029/2009jd011725. IF: 3.174 and ranking23/170=13.5%.
  49. Lin, C.Y.*; Lung, S.C.C.; Guo, H.R.; Wu, P.C. & Su, H.J. (2009). Climate Variability of Cold Surge and its Impact on the Air Quality of Taiwan. Climatic Change, 94(3-4):457-471, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-008-9495-9. IF: 3.634 and ranking22/209=10.5%.
  50. Wu, P.C.; Lay, J.G.; Lung, S.C.; Lin, C.Y.; Guo, H.R.; Huang, Z.L.; Chou, C.H. & Su, H.J. (2009). Determinants Characterizing Adaptive Capability for Island-Wide Cardiovascular Mortality at Extreme Temperatures in Taiwan. Epidemiology, 20(6):S89-S90. IF: 5.738 and ranking5/158=3.2%.
  51. Wu, P.C.; Lay, J.G.; Guo, H.R.; Lin, C.Y.; Lung, S.C. & Su, H.J.* (2009). Higher Temperature and Urbanization affect the Spatial Patterns of Dengue Fever Transmission in Subtropical Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 407(7):2224-2233, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.11.034. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  52. Chiang, W.F.; Yang, H.J.; Lung, S.C.C.; Huang, S.; Chiu, C.Y.; Liu, I.L.; Tsai, C.L. & Kuo, C.Y.* (2008). A Comparison of Elementary Schoolchildren's Exposure to Arsenic and Lead. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C-Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews, 26(3):237-255, DOI: 10.1080/10590500802343958. IF: 3.565 and ranking25/209=12.0%.
  53. Hsu, S.C.*; Liu, S.C.; Huang, Y.T.; Lung, S.C.C.; Tsai, F.; Tu, J.Y. & Kao, S.J. (2008). A Criterion for Identifying Asian Dust Events Based on Al Concentration Data Collected from Northern Taiwan between 2002 and Early 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113(D18):D18306,DOI: 10.1029/2007jd009574. IF: 3.174 and ranking23/170=13.5%.
  54. Lee, J.J.*; Engling, G.; Lung, S.C.C. & Lee, K.Y. (2008). Particle Size Characteristics of Levoglucosan in Ambient Aerosols from Rice Straw Burning. Atmospheric Environment, 42(35):8300-8308, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.07.047. IF: 3.110 and ranking37/209=17.7%.
  55. Lung, S.C.C.*; Cheng, H.W. & Fu, C.B. (2008). Potential Exposure and Risk of Fluoride Intakes from Tea Drinks Produced in Taiwan. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 18(2):158-166, DOI: 10.1038/sj.jes.7500574. IF: 3.187 and ranking27/158=17.1%.
  56. Lung, S.C.C.*; Mao, I.F. & Liu, L.J.S. (2007). Residents' Particle Exposures in Six Different Communities in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 377(1):81-92, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.01.092. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  57. Wang, S.M.; Chu, Y.M.; Lung, S.C.C.; Shih, T.S.; Lin, Y.C. & Chang, H.Y.* (2007). Combining Novel Strategy with Kinetic Approach in the Determination of Respective Respiration and Skin Exposure to N,N-dimethylformamide Vapor. Science of the Total Environment, 388:398-404, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.08.007. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  58. Wu, P.C.; Guo, H.R.; Lung, S.C.; Lin, C.Y. & Su, H.J.* (2007). Weather as an Effective Predictor for Occurrence of Dengue Fever in Taiwan. ActaTropica, 103(1):50-57, DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2007.05.014. IF: 2.787 and ranking4/22=18.2%.
  59. Chang, C.C.*; Wang, J.L.; Liu, S.C. & Lung, S.C.C. (2006). Assessment of Vehicular and Non-vehicular Contributions to Hydrocarbons using Exclusive Vehicular Indicators. Atmospheric Environment, 40(33):6349-6361, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.05.043. IF: 3.110 and ranking37/206=17.7%.
  60. Hu, S.W.; Lin, Y.Y.; Wu, T.C.; Hong, C.C.; Chan, C.C. & Lung, S.C.C.* (2006). Workplace Air Quality and Lung Function among Dental Laboratory Technicians. American Journal of Industrial Medicine ,49(2):85-92, DOI: 10.1002/ajim.20249. IF: 1.973 and ranking62/158=39.2%.
  61. Liu, S.C.*; Lin, C.Y.; Hsu, S.C.; Lung, S.C.C. & Chou, C.C.K. (2006). An Assessment of the Impact of Dust Storms on Oceans around Taiwan. Plateau Meteorology, 25:S12-S16.
  62. Lung, S.C.C.*; Lin, C.C.; Liu, C.H.; Huang, S.Y. & Wen, T.Y. (2006). Commuters' Exposure to Particulates and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Taipei, Taiwan. Epidemiology, 17(6):S54, DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200611001-00108. IF: 5.738 and ranking5/158=3.2%.
  63. Wu, P.C.; Su, H.J.; Lin, C.Y.; Lung, S.C.; Guo, H.R. & Lay, J.G. (2006). The Effects of Temperature and Recovery of Vector on the Spatial Distribution of Dengue Fever Occurrences in Taiwan. Epidemiology, 17(6):S206, DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200611001-00525. IF: 5.738 and ranking5/158=3.2%.
  64. Hsu, S.C.*; Liu, S.C.; Jeng, W.L.; Lin, F.J.; Huang, Y.T.; Lung, S.C.C.; Liu, T.H. & Tu, J.Y. (2005). Variations of Cd/Pb and Zn/Pb Ratios in Taipei Aerosols Reflecting Long-range Transport or Local Pollution Emissions. Science of the Total Environment, 347(1-3):111-121, DOI: 10.1016/j.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.12.021. IF: 3.258 and ranking31/209=14.8%.
  65. Lung, S.C.C.; Guo, Y.L.L. & Chang, H.Y.* (2005). Serum Concentrations and Profiles of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Taiwan Yu-cheng Victims Twenty Years after the Incident. Environmental Pollution, 136(1):71-79, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2004.12.001. IF: 3.730 and ranking20/209=9.6%.
  66. Wu, P.C.; Su, H.J.; Guo, H.R.; Lung, S.C. & Lin C.Y. (2005) Temperature can be an effective predictor for dengue fever outbreak. Epidemiology, 16 (5): S72, DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200509000-00176. IF: 5.738 and ranking 5/158=3.2%.
  67. Chou, C.C.K.*; Lin, C.Y.; Chen, T.K.; Hsu, S.C.; Lung, S.C.; Liu, S.C. & Young, C.Y. (2004). Influence of Long-range Transport Dust Particles on Local Air Quality: A Case Study on Asian Dust Episodes in Taipei during the Spring of 2002. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15(5):881-899. IF: 0.705 and ranking139/170=81.8%.
  68. Lung, S.C.C.*; Liu, C.H.; Huang, S.Y.; Lin, T.J.; Chou, C.C.K. & Liu, S.C. (2004) Water-soluble Ions of Aerosols in Taipei in Spring 2002. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15(5):901-923. IF: 0.705 and ranking139/170=81.8%.
  69. Lung, S.C.C.*; Wu, M.J. & Lin, C.C. (2004). Customer’s exposure to PM2.5and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Smoking/Non-smoking Sections of 24-hour Coffee Shops. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 14(7):529-535, DOI: 10.1038/sj.jea.7500371. IF: 3.187 and ranking27/158=17.1%.
  70. Lung, S.C.C.*; Guo, K.J.; Chen, P.Y.; Tsai, P.F. & Chen, P.C. (2004). Participants’ Exposure to PM2.5 and Gaseous/Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons during the Ma-tsu Goddess Parade. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 14(7):536-543, DOI: 10.1038/sj.jea.7500372. IF: 3.187 and ranking27/158=17.1%.
  71. Wu, P.C.; Tsai, J.C.; Li, R.C.; Lung, S.C.C. & Su, H.J.* (2004). Increased Levels of Ambient Fungal Spores in Taiwan are Associated with Dust Events from China. Atmospheric Environment, 38(29):4879-4886, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.05.039. IF: 3.110 and ranking37/209=17.7%.
  72. Lung, S.C.C.*; Chen, C.F.; Hu, S.C. & Bau, Y.P. (2003). Exposure of Taiwan Residents to Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners from Farmed, Ocean-caught, and Imported Fish. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(20):4579-4585, DOI: 10.1021/es026478f. IF: 5.257 and ranking7/209=3.3%.
  73. Lung, S.C.C.*; Shiau, B.G. & Chiang, K.M. (2003). Fluoride Concentrations in Three Types of Commercially Packed Tea Drinks in Taiwan. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 13:66-73, DOI: 10.1038/sj.jea.7500259. IF: 3.187 and ranking27/158=17.1%.
  74. Lung, S.C.C.* and Hu, S.C. (2003). Generation Rates and Emission Factors of Particulate Matter and Particle-bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons of Incense Sticks. Chemosphere, 50:673-679, DOI: 10.1016/s0045-6535(02)00613-6. IF: 3.137 and ranking36/209=17.2%.
  75. Lung, S.C.C.*; Kao, M. & Hu, S.C. (2003). Contribution of Incense Burning to Indoor PM10 and Particle-bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons under Two Ventilation Conditions. Indoor Air, 13:194-199, DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0668.2003.00197.x. IF: 3.302 and ranking2/57=3.5%.
  76. Lung, S.C.C.* and Kao, M. (2003). Worshippers’ Exposure to Particulate Matters at Two Buddhist Temples in Taiwan. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 53: 130-135. IF: 1.204 and ranking136/209=65.1%.
  77. Lung, S. C.*; Altshul, L. M.; Ford, T. E. & Spengler, J. D. (2000). Coating effects on the glass adsorption of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. Chemosphere, 41(12):1865-1871, DOI: 10.1016/s0045-6535(00)00083-7. IF: 3.137 and ranking 36/209=17.2%.
  78. Lung, S. C.*; Yanagisawa, Y.; Ford, T.E. & Spengler, J.D. (2000). Characteristics of sorption losses of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners onto glass surfaces. Chemosphere, 41(12):1857-1864, DOI: 10.1016/s0045-6535(00)00082-5. IF: 3.137 and ranking 36/209=17.2%.



西元年 : 2015
研究人員: 龍世俊、劉純湖
研究成果名稱: 以超高效能液相層析儀暨大氣壓力光游離串聯式質譜儀快速分析29種多環芳香烴與硝基多環芳香烴化合物
西元年: 2014
研究人員: 龍世俊、李崇睿、胡淑娟
研究成果名稱: 探討臺灣都市化程度與居住環境品質不公平性分佈
西元年: 2012
研究人員: 龍世俊、吳治達博士
研究成果名稱: Applying GIS and Fine-Resolution Digital Terrain Models to Assess Three-dimensional Population Distribution under Traffic Impacts
「三維數位地理分析法」(three-Dimensional dIgital Geography (3DIG))是一套新開發且已完成驗證的創新方法,以三維立體的觀點分析人口分佈狀態。以往人口統計資料僅能分析平面、尺度僅至村里層級,而本創新方法結合了地理資訊系統以及高解析度的數值地形模式,配合相關人口資料,因此,可研究都市各區內不同高度樓層之人口分佈。由於污染物濃度變化與污染源的距離有很大的關係,在公尺尺度的空間分佈上就會有顯著的差異,住在不同樓層的民眾也因而遭受不同的暴險程度,我們應用此方法,並配合各村里人口數據,推估住在離馬路5公尺區域內一、二樓之人口數,探討大台北地區交通污染暴險之人口三維分佈狀態,且界定高暴險社群的地理分佈。經過實地驗證,「三維數位地理分析法」是一優異的方法,可應用在暴險社群三維分佈之科學議題研究及相關政策擬定。
西元年: 2011
研究人員: 龍世俊、劉純湖
研究成果名稱: 利用大氣化學光游離法暨液相層析串聯式質譜儀分析六種香精類化合物
在現代生活中,人造香精應用範圍廣泛,因此被大量製造。目前不少人造香精已在環境介質中被檢測出來,它們的潛在毒性使得大家關注這些人造香精可能會影響生態系統及人體健康。而目前缺乏快速且敏感度高的分析方法來分析這些物質,我們在這篇論文中發表第一個使用極致效能液相層析儀暨大氣壓光離子源串聯式質譜儀的方法,來分析六種生產量最大、環境中最常出現的人造香精(ADBI, AHTN, HHCB, MK, MX, and MM)。此方法提供兩組前驅物/產物離子對做為準確的定性之用。在正、負離子模式下分別只花了7分鐘及5.1分鐘即可將這六種物質分離。再者,針對大氣壓光離子源所需的摻雜劑,我們也比較了三種不同成份。根據分析物種的敏感度、反應線性範圍、準確度及精密度的互相比較,選擇了最適合的摻雜劑為0.5% anisole in toluene。六種人造香精的方法偵測極限皆小於6pg,線性範圍在5-500ppb間,且有很好的準確度及精密度。並且我們也以此方法分析實際環境樣品,驗證它的實際應用性,也獲得良好結果。總結而言,我們呈現了一個快速、敏感又可靠的分析方法來分析六種重要的人造香精,這個方法可應用在環境分析化學上,探討這些物質在環境中的濃度分佈,及對環境生態及人體健康的影響。這篇論文發表在分析化學最好的期刊上 “Analytical Chemisty”。
西元年: 2010
研究人員: 龍世俊
研究成果名稱: 柴油引擎排放之PM2.5對於維修員尿中8-OHdG之暴露評估
Animal studies have shown exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEPs) to induce production of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) and increase levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyquanosine (8-OHdG). Controversial results have been obtained regarding the effects of workplace exposure on urinary 8-OHdG level. This study assessed concentrations of environmental PM2.5 in DEP (DEP2.5), personal DEP2.5 and urinary 8-OHdG of diesel engine exhaust emission inspector (inspector) at a diesel vehicle emission inspection station (inspection station). The analysis specifically focuses on the factors that influence inspector urinary 8-OHdG. Repeated-measures study design was used to sample for five consecutive days. A total of 25 environmental PM2.5 measurements were analyzed at 5 different locations by using a dichotomous sampler, and a total of 55 personal PM2.5 measurements were analyzed from inspectors by using PM2.5 personal sampler. During the sampling period, a total of 110 pre- and post-work urine samples from inspectors, and 32 samples from the control group were collected. Following age and sex matching between the inspectors and the control group, levels of urinary 8-OHdG were analyzed. Environmental and personal concentrations of DEP2.5 were 107.25±39.76 (mean ±SD) and 155.96±75.70 μg/m3, respectively. Also, the concentration of urinary 8-OHdG differed significantly between inspector and control non-smokers, averaging 14.05±12.71 and 6.58±4.39 μg/g creatinine, respectively. Additionally, urinary 8-OHdG concentrations were associated with diesel exposure after controlling for smoking and cooking at home. Compared with the control group, the inspector displayed significantly increased levels of urinary 8-OHdG. Diesel exhaust is the single pollutant involved in the exposure of DEP2.5 at the inspection station, as confirmed by the final results.